An organization without a Purpose is like a machine. It may create products and revenue. It will not create fulfillment and impact.
An organization without a Purpose is like a machine. It may create products and revenue. It will not create fulfillment and impact.
Will you waste your leadership potential trading time for money? Or will you step up to grow a movement through an organization with Purpose?
Curing diseases. Space Travel. The internet. These world-changing innovations all had one thing in common: they happened with passionate people organized around a single Purpose.
As the leader of an organization, you already have the key ingredient of world-changing impact: an organization. Believe it or not, your company can start a movement and impact thousands of lives.
In order to leverage your organization for good, you must have a clear Purpose carried out in a focused direction.
That’s what we do at FFPO. We walk you through creating a Purpose and integrating it into your organization, so a whole new world opens up through your organization’s influence and impact.
Most people waste 40 years+ of their life in meaningless busywork, to be forgotten except for the money they made.
Some take on Purposeful Leadership, and leave a legacy in their company, their community, their family… their world.
We’re inviting you into this program to get practical, step-by-step tools to discover your organization’s purpose and integrate it into your business model.
Join the movement of businesses transforming the world, and watch your customer and employee satisfaction increase.
You will find greater support as your community believes in you, and you’ll begin to build your legacy as Purposeful Leader.