Culture Development

Learn more about designing and activating a
purposeful culture program


As a leader, you know that culture is the glue that bonds your organization and is the invisible force that determines how well you deliver your Purpose.
But whether you lead an organization of 2 or 2,000, it can be difficult to put your current or desired culture into words, find the time and tools to diagnose deeper cultural issues, and strategically change and optimize culture.
That is why we have developed the Design and Activate a Purposeful Culture Program. Based on vetted research, the Design and Activate a Purposeful Culture Program demystifies culture and provides members with proven, actionable tools to help you cultivate a positive culture that endures.
And as a leader, when you make culture a strategic priority, overwhelming research finds people are more fulfilled, collaborate better, and are more productive in delivering your important Purpose.
What Members will Learn
Upon completing this program, you will have:
  • Learned what culture is and how beliefs, values, and symbols form culture 
  • Used a FRAMEWORK to systematically diagnose and understand the three levels of your culture
  • Described and depicted your current culture and depicted your desired culture
  • Learned how purpose, meaningfulness, and mattering form the basis of a positive culture
  • Developed a method to assess your organizational culture
  • Identified the habits and behaviors to sustain your organizational culture through an ACTION PLAN
The journey through the introductory Design and Activate a Purposeful Culture Program, which includes three webinars and nine coaching sessions, takes you through three phases:
  • Phase 1: Explore
  • Phase 2: Design 
  • Phase 3: Sustain

Program Details

Phase 1: Explore the Elements of a Purposeful Culture: Learn What Makes Work Positive

The Explore phase, will dive right into what culture is, how to diagnose culture, and learn the research-backed, practice-tested elements of a positive and purposeful culture that enables thriving.
What is culture? What is a “purposeful” culture? Why is culture critical to delivering Purpose and sustaining performance? What elements are known to contribute to a positive culture?  In the Explore Phase, we will demystify culture and dive into the research-backed and practice-tested basic building blocks of purposeful cultures. Specifically, we will focus on the four elements of purposeful cultures:

  • Meaningful
  • Positive
  • Connected
  • Fear-free 
  Learning Objectives:     
  • You will learn the definition of culture.
  • You will learn the three levels of culture: Artifacts, Values, Beliefs.
  • You will learn the four elements of a purposeful culture.
  • You will be able to begin diagnosing your current culture and envisioning your desired, purposeful culture.
  Key Tools: 

  • Culture Diagnostic Framework 
  • Assessment of The Four Elements of a Purposeful Culture 
During this phase you will view one webinar and have two 55-minute coaching sessions with a licensed Discover and Activate Purposeful Culture consultant to complete a culture diagnostic and self-assess how the four elements of a purposeful culture are expressed in your organization.   

Phase 2:Design a Purposeful Culture: Use the Purposeful Culture Blueprint

The Design phase will use the PURPOSEFUL CULTURE BLUEPRINT TOOL to begin architecting the beliefs, values, mindsets, communication norms, and decision-making norms that will both deliver an organization’s Purpose and enable the four elements of a positive culture: Meaningful, Positive, Connected, & Fear-Free. Implementing culture through high-impact practices such as recruitment, onboarding, socialization, training and development; and feedback and evaluation will also be discussed.

In the Design Phase, you will learn how to strategically design a culture using the Purposeful Culture Blueprint. By using the blueprint tool, you will uncover what beliefs, values, mindsets, communication norms, and decision-making norms will bring your unique organizational Purpose to life and enable the four elements of a purposeful work culture to thrive.  You will also begin to understand how to implement your culture through high-impact practices in the areas of recruitment, onboarding, socialization, training and development, and feedback and evaluation.

Learning Objectives:  

  • You will learn why and how to intentionally design or re-design culture.
  • You will learn the critical components when designing for culture.
  • You will learn how to use a Purposeful Culture Blueprint to plan your desired, purposeful culture.
  • You will begin to explore how high-impact organizational practices can sustain your designed culture.

Key Tools:

  • Purposeful Culture Blueprint
  • High-Impact Organizational Practices Audit

During this phase you will view one webinar and have three 55-minute coaching sessions with a licensed Discover and Activate Purposeful Culture consultant to complete and start to implement your Purposeful Culture Blueprint as well as conduct a High-Impact Organizational Practices Audit. 

Phase 3:Sustain a Purposeful Culture: Implement the Habits of Purposeful Leaders

The Sustain Phase will look at developing and maintaining leadership habits that sustain a purposeful culture and how to assess it regularly.

Cultures are sustained through the habits of highly influential leaders. In the Sustain Phase you will begin to take on the research-backed habits of leading purposeful cultures. You will learn how the skills of cultivating mattering, connecting people to Purpose, and creating psychological safety can sustain a durable positive, and purposeful workplace. You will also discover how to regularly assess culture for alignment by using and reviewing the Purposeful Culture Blueprint. 

Learning Objectives:  

  • You will learn the habits of leading purposeful cultures.
  • You will learn how to implement, teach, and sustain leadership habits.
  • You will learn how to assess your culture continually.
  • You will be able to identify your action plan for sustaining a purposeful culture.

Key Tools:

  • Purposeful Leadership Habit Implementation Plan/30-60-90 day plan

During this phase you will view one webinar and have four 55-minute coaching sessions with a licensed Discover and Activate Purposeful Culture consultant to complete and start to implement your Purposeful Leadership Habits Implementation Plan. 

Program Details

Click to learn more about the culture development programs we offer in each of it’s stages…

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