The Design phase will use the PURPOSEFUL CULTURE BLUEPRINT TOOL to begin architecting the beliefs, values, mindsets, communication norms, and decision-making norms that will both deliver an organization’s Purpose and enable the four elements of a positive culture: Meaningful, Positive, Connected, & Fear-Free. Implementing culture through high-impact practices such as recruitment, onboarding, socialization, training and development; and feedback and evaluation will also be discussed.
In the Design Phase, you will learn how to strategically design a culture using the Purposeful Culture Blueprint. By using the blueprint tool, you will uncover what beliefs, values, mindsets, communication norms, and decision-making norms will bring your unique organizational Purpose to life and enable the four elements of a purposeful work culture to thrive. You will also begin to understand how to implement your culture through high-impact practices in the areas of recruitment, onboarding, socialization, training and development, and feedback and evaluation.
Learning Objectives:
Key Tools:
During this phase you will view one webinar and have three 55-minute coaching sessions with a licensed Discover and Activate Purposeful Culture consultant to complete and start to implement your Purposeful Culture Blueprint as well as conduct a High-Impact Organizational Practices Audit.
Cultures are sustained through the habits of highly influential leaders. In the Sustain Phase you will begin to take on the research-backed habits of leading purposeful cultures. You will learn how the skills of cultivating mattering, connecting people to Purpose, and creating psychological safety can sustain a durable positive, and purposeful workplace. You will also discover how to regularly assess culture for alignment by using and reviewing the Purposeful Culture Blueprint.
Learning Objectives:
Key Tools:
During this phase you will view one webinar and have four 55-minute coaching sessions with a licensed Discover and Activate Purposeful Culture consultant to complete and start to implement your Purposeful Leadership Habits Implementation Plan.
Click to learn more about the culture development programs we offer in each of it’s stages…